Following the requirements of the equipment management department of State Grid Corporation of China, State Grid Anhui Electric Power Research Institute launched the first technical conformity assessment of the CHINT Group's 500-kilovolt GIS (gas-insulated switchgear) equipment from June 12 to 14.
China Marine Bunker (PetroChina) Co., Ltd. (CHIMBUSCO) recently bunkered 3,850 tons of biofuel into the XIN YA ZHOU vessel of COSCO Shipping Lines Co., Ltd. at the Shekou Container Terminal Co., Ltd., in Shenzhen, South China’s Guangdong province. The bunkering process took more than 14 hours, was the largest domestic single-vessel biofuel bunkering operation, and marked a new level of large-scale biofuel oil supply of domestic vessels.
China Huaneng Group Co., Ltd's Pengzhou Hydrogen Production Demonstration Station recently sold its first batch of hydrogen, marking the beginning of the first large-scale commercial water electrolysis hydrogen production project in the Southwest region.
Closer trade and economic cooperation between China and Argentina is expected, which will benefit not only the two countries but also the rest of the world, said experts and government officials on Monday.
China's crude oil output expanded in the first five months of this year, official data showed.
In April this year, State Grid Corporation of China's subsidiary in Brazil signed a concession agreement with Brazil's Electricity Regulatory Agency on a project to export ±800-kilovolts of ultra-high-voltage (UHV) direct current (DC) new energy power from Northeast Brazil to other regions.
On June 10, the first CKD6S locomotive, a significant outcome of China-Kazakhstan cooperation in the rail transportation sector under the Belt and Road Initiative, rolled off the production line.
Rocket scientists and engineers carried out a key test on Friday on the propulsion system to be used on a new type of carrier rocket, which will be the backbone of China's future manned landing on the moon.