Construction of the second phase of the Shenhai Yihao ultra-deepsea gas field project started on Dec 30, 2022, marking a further step in China's deepsea oil and gas development.
The C919, China's first homegrown large jetliner, had gained 1,035 orders from 32 customers by the end of 2022, according to the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai.
CNOOC Limited said on Wednesday that it would raise its production target and capital expenditure budget for 2023, with 9 new projects expected to come on stream this year.
China Civil Engineering Construction Corp, or CCECC, a subsidiary of State-owned China Railway Construction Corp Ltd, announced on Wednesday that it has completed its headquarters building (phase I) of Africa Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
China Energy Investment Corp vowed to further ensure the country's energy security by boosting coal supplies this year while stepping up green energy transition.
The Baihetan-Zhejiang ±800-kilovolt ultra-high voltage (UHV) direct current (DC) power transmission line was put into operation on Dec 30, 2022.
The fiberglass tank furnace wire drawing production line of Jushi Egypt with an annual output of 120,000 metric tons has started operation.
The Ethiopia-Djibouti Railway Share Company (EDR) has disclosed an income of 2.5 billion Ethiopian birrs ($47.4 million) for the past five months.