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China Datang Corporation Gears up Low Carbon Transformation

Updated: November 29, 2023

Two green energy projects of China Datang Corporation Ltd. that broke ground on Nov 22 are expected to advance low carbon and net zero carbon transformation.

Located in Duolun County in Xiliin Gol League, North China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the 150,000-kilowatt Datang Duolun wind-solar hydrogen production demonstration project is China's first medium-large off-grid demonstration project of deep coupling coal chemical technology for wind and solar hydrogen production.

Once operational, the project is expected to produce 70.59 million cubic meters of hydrogen annually and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 129,300 metric tons by replacing "gray hydrogen" with "green hydrogen", which will contribute to green and low carbon transformation of the coal chemistry industry.

The project will play a key role in development of the region's wind-solar hydrogen storage industrial cluster and construction of the national new energy equipment manufacturing base.

It's worth noting that research on coupling of the green hydrogen and the coal chemistry industries is expected to play a demonstrative role in construction of large-scale wind-solar hydrogen production, development of new-type energy storage technology and industrial application of green hydrogen in the region.

The 175,000-kw renewable energy substitution project of the Datang Duolun coal-fired self-owned power plant is designed with 28 6.25-megawatt generator units. Upon operation, it is expected to provide 496.9 million kilowatt-hours of green power annually, equaling that produced by burning 151,700 tons of standard coal and cutting down carbon dioxide emissions by 419,400 tons.

The substitution project will help large-scale coal chemical production enterprises realize stable and safe operation, and maximize the economic benefits. It will also support local energy structure adjustment and realization of China's "dual carbon" goals of peaking carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and reaching carbon neutrality before 2060.

(Executive editor: Xie Yunxiao)