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Mulberry Industry Boosted by Efforts From State Grid Xiajin County Power Supply Company

Updated: June 14, 2024


Women harvest mulberries in the ancient mulberry forest. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

The mulberry tree was dubbed as the "Eastern divine tree" in the Compendium of Materia Medica compiled by Chinese medical expert Li Shizhen in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Throughout the long history of China, it has played a significant role in the planting industry and raising of silkworms, and contributed greatly to the formation of the ancient Silk Road and the sericulture culture. It is a key driving force of agricultural civilization.

In April 2018, the ancient mulberry tree grove in Xiajin county, Shandong province, was listed on the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Since then, the mulberry cultivation industry and tourism in Xiajin county have embarked on a path of fast development.


Staff members from State Grid Xiajin County Power Supply Company visit a mulberry grower, helping to inspect hidden dangers in the greenhouse. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

The world looks at China for the mulberry industry, and China looks at Xiajin. Xiajin county, which has a long history of mulberry cultivation, spanning the Yuan (1271-1368), Ming and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties. Due to several enduring disasters caused by the shifting course of the Yellow River, ancient mulberry trees are now mostly extinct. Currently, in the remaining 400-hectare area of ancient mulberry trees in Xiajin, there are more than 20,000 mulberry trees aged hundreds or even thousands of years, making it the oldest and largest surviving ancient mulberry tree grove in China and even the world.

The ancient mulberry tree grove in Xiajin county produces 14,000 metric tons of mulberries annually. Relying on the resources of the ancient mulberry tree grove in the former course of the Yellow River, Xiajin county is paving the way for the development of the industry and protection of ecology at the same time. It has been promoting the development of agriculture, eco-tourism and culture, creating a comprehensive demonstration area that integrates modern mulberry industry demonstration, science education, rural tourism and the agricultural creative industry. Based on the concept of the homology of medicine and food, in spring, people pick the mulberry twigs; in summer, they harvest the mulberry fruit; in autumn, they collect mulberry leaves; and in winter, they pick mulberry barks. The measures are emphasized to maintain the ecology, extend the industry chain, strengthen the technological innovation, and develop a characteristic industry under the framework of rural revitalization.


Staff members from State Grid Xiajin County Power Supply Company work with a mulberry grower. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

To enhance its reputation as a member of the "Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems", the State Grid Xiajin County Power Supply Company organized team members to provide high-quality services there. They have been working on installing the 152 kilometers of power lines and 239 substations for various scenic areas and mulberry tree groves. This effort ensured that more than 720 wells in the mulberry tree groves were connected to electricity and will work well during harvest seasons. The efforts enabled irrigation in times of drought and doubled the mulberry fruit production.

A mulberry tree can be used in various products such as producing dry mulberries, cultivating phellinus igniarius (a kind of Chinese medicine), brewing mulberry fruit wine, stir-frying mulberry tea, making mulberry fruit cakes and processing mulberry leaf noodles. Xiajin now has more than 20 processing enterprises for mulberries and nearly 60 professional cooperatives and processing workshops. They are achieving full utilization from a single fruit to an entire mulberry tree. With the aim of empowering the industry and enhancing the service, State Grid Xiajin County Power Supply Company coordinated the entire industry, learned about the users' demands, collected feedback to provide high-quality services. Through regular visits, customized services and optimized measures, the company is supporting the economic development of the county and the vitalization of rural industries.


A local mulberry farmer showcases her fresh and delicious mulberries. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

Moreover, the State Grid Xiajin County Power Supply Company established a village network co-construction service demonstration station in the Yellow River Original Course Forest Park. It provides service of electricity supply and equipment repairs, and promotes the development and cost reduction of the mulberry tree planting, mulberry product processing, eco-tourism and health care industries.

There are 30 ways to consume a single mulberry fruit. An individual mulberry tree has created a millennium-long industry. With a booming cultivation industry and growing cultural tourism, the Xiajin county ancient mulberry tree grove is embracing visitors from all over the world more confidently.