The 22nd Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC) has successfully completed the establishment of an ionospheric observation station in Turkiye, as part of the "Ionospheric Modeling Research Based on Radio Wave Propagation and Solar Activity" project.
This project is the only ionospheric observation research project led and undertaken by China in the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO), which is of great significance to ionospheric observation and research in the Asia-Pacific region.
The Earth's ionosphere is the upper atmospheric region, ranging from approximately 60 to 1,000 kilometers high. Observational studies of the ionosphere are of great importance for many sciences and industrial applications due to the impact of charged particles on radio signal propagation.
To establish a continuous ionospheric monitoring network among member countries of APSCO, the 22nd Research Institute of CETC initiated and organized the implementation of the project in participation with member countries.
In addition to the observation station in China, the project has also built six ionospheric observation stations in Pakistan, Peru, Thailand, Bangladesh, Mongolia, and Turkiye. These stations carry out ionospheric electron content and scintillation observations, study ionospheric models, and provide near real-time Ionospheric warnings and short-term forecasts.
The 22nd Research Institute of CETC will continue to strengthen international cooperation, and utilize this project to enhance collaboration in areas such as the Beidou satellite navigation system and electromagnetic environment monitoring, as well as expand the transformation of ionospheric observation and application results.
(Executive editor: Xie Yunxiao)