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CSCEC Contributes to Ecological Restoration of Ulansuhai Nur Wetland in North China

Updated: June 15, 2023

China Construction First Group Corporation Limited, a subsidiary of China State Construction Engineering Corporation (CSCEC), has stepped up efforts to help Ulansuhai Nur Wetland in North China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region regain vigor through ecological restoration.


A view of Ulansuhai Nur Wetland in North China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region [Photo/sasac.gov.cn]

As the largest wetland on the same latitude, Ulansuhai Nur Wetland has 293 square meters of water area and is China's eighth-largest freshwater lake and the largest of its kind in the Yellow River basin. It plays a crucial role in ensuring water quality, guaranteeing security of the Yellow River during the flood season, and promoting regional economic development.

Therefore, ecological restoration integrating mountains, water, forests, fields, lakes, grasses and sands has been highly valued in the region.

Considering the local characteristics, China Construction First Group Corporation Limited launched a systematic restoration focusing on mountain restoration, water conservation, forest expansion, grassland protection, scientific farmland allocation, lake treatment and sand fixation.


A view of Ulansuhai Nur Wetland after ecological restoration [Photo/sasac.gov.cn]

Up to now, 42,200 mu of desert, nearly 70.64 square kilometers of mining area, 33,000 mu of forest and grassland, and 68.76 kilometers of lake bank have been restored.

The company also contributed to the construction of the 4-kilometer trunk canal for water replenishment and 124.57-km lake bank renovation in the area, improving connectivity between the river and lake and effectively protecting local biodiversity.


A view of the forest and grassland in Ulansuhai Nur Wetland after ecological restoration [Photo/sasac.gov.cn]

The company has also taken various measures such as artificial afforestation and aerial seeding, which has restored 33,000 mu of forestry area and increased the grassland coverage from 7.3 to 10.07 percent at the northern and southern foot of the Ural Mountain.

In terms of sand control, the company has treated more than 42,200 mu of desert, planting about 32 million grass squares and 13.32 million saplings, and building 157 kilometers of desert roads.

The ecological restoration project in the wetland has helped improve the quality of local ecological environment, enhanced its role in sand prevention in North China, reducing nearly 1 million cubic meters of sand flowing into the Yellow River annually.

It has effectively enhanced the ecosystem function and ensured the water ecological security of the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. 

(Executive editor: Xie Yunxiao)