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Floatover Installation of Asia's Largest Offshore Oil Production Platform Completed

Updated: August 15, 2022

The Enping 15-1 central platform, Asia's largest offshore oil production platform, completed floatover installation on Aug 1, marking that China has reached a high level in design, construction and installation of ultra-large offshore oil and gas production facilities.


Installation of the floatover of the Enping 15-1 central platform, Asia's largest offshore oil production platform, is completed on Aug 1. [Photo/sasac.gov.cn]

The platform was independently designed, built and installed and will be operated by China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC). And nearly 600 pieces of key equipment has been installed, including China's first offshore carbon dioxide reinjection and storage facility and the country's first domestically-developed 7,600-kilowatt offshore crude oil generator unit.

The Enping 15-1 central platform consists of an upper component and jacket. It has a height of about 160 meters and a total weight of more than 30,000 metric tons, making it the heaviest of its kind in Asia and the most well-equipped such unit in the region.


A night view of the floatover of the Enping 15-1 during its installation [Photo/sasac.gov.cn]

The HAI YANG SHI YOU 229, Asia's largest offshore engineering barge, played a key role in the installation of the platform's floatover.

According to CNOOC, the Enping 15-1 central platform is the most important offshore developmental facility of the Enping oilfield cluster, including construction of four offshore drilling platforms and six new oilfields.

The peak daily output of the project's first phase will reach nearly 5,000 tons during the second half this year when the project is put into operation and is expected to be a new driving force to support economic and social development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. It will also help improve the country's energy security and contribute to its "dual carbon" goals of peaking carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2060.


A view of the floatover of the Enping 15-1 during its installation [Photo/sasac.gov.cn]

(Executive editor: Li Zhiyong)