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The 4th China Enterprise Forum Held in Shandong
- Leveraging the Strategic Support of State-Owned Sector to Empower High-Quality Development of Chinese Enterprises for the Fostering of a New Development Paradigm

Updated: September 30, 2021


The 4th China Enterprise Forum was held in Jinan, capital city of China's Shandong Province, on Sept 24. [Photo/sasac.gov.cn]

On Sept 24, the 4th China Enterprise Forum (CEF) was jointly held by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC), the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC), the Shandong Provincial People's Government and Xinhua News Agency in Jinan, capital city of China's Shandong Province.


Tan Zuojun, Member of the CPC Committee and Vice-chairman of SASAC, presents a keynote speech at the 4th CEF in Jinan on Sept 24. [Photo/sasac.gov.cn]

Entrusted by Hao Peng, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of SASAC, Tan Zuojun, Vice-Chairman of SASAC delivered a keynote speech at the forum.


Speakers at the 4th CEF in Jinan on Sept 24 [Photo/sasac.gov.cn]

The 4th CEF was attended by Liu Jiayi, Secretary of the Shandong Provincial Committee of the CPC and Chairman of the Shandong Provincial People's Congress Standing Committee; Li Ganjie, Governor of Shandong; Li Zhaoqian, Vice-chairman of the ACFIC; Yan Wenbin, Vice-President of Xinhua News Agency made keynote speeches at the forum. Sun Licheng, Secretary of the CPC Jinan Municipal Committee addressed the forum.

Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, delivered a keynote speech to the forum via video link.

Peng Huagang, Secretary General of SASAC, and Ling Wen, Deputy Governor of Shandong Provincial People's Government, jointly presided over the forum.

In his speech, Tan said that the important statements made by President Xi Jinping, on understanding the new stage of China's development, acting on the new development philosophy and fostering a new development paradigm that has charted out the direction and provided fundamental principles for the country to pursue high-quality development.

Tan added that SASAC has always borne in mind the country's most fundamental interests, made a comprehensive, all-round and precise implementation of the new development philosophy, contributing to the fostering of a new development paradigm, and promotion of high-quality development as the major responsibility and mission of SASAC and state-owned enterprises (SOEs). He explained that the 4th CEF, themed "Enterprises in the new development paradigm: mission and path", was designed to thoroughly specify the mission and responsibility of enterprises and explore relevant paths to accomplish their objectives in the fostering of a new development paradigm and the promotion of high-quality development, and to encourage enterprises to devote themselves wholeheartedly to the development of their major businesses and make new contributions in building of a modern socialist country in all respects.

Tan emphasized that SASAC and SOEs should fulfill their mission, explore the new development path in the establishment of a new development paradigm. More efforts should be made to achieve self-reliance in science and technology, and strengthen strategic support for the building of the new development paradigm. More steps should be taken to accelerate the building of world-class enterprises, and enhance their influence in the industrial and supply chains. SOEs should continue to deepen their reform, and the vitality of all types of market entities should be fully tapped. A new growth drivers in green and low-carbon economy should be fostered to promote the economic and social sustainable development. And more work should be done to effectively forestall major risks, and consolidate the foundation for the fully building of a new development paradigm.

Tan said that SASAC and SOEs will take a more open posture and vision to conduct pragmatic and win-win cooperation with all other forms of business entities, achieve coordinated development and common prosperity with them in the process of high-quality development, and make greater contributions to the fostering of a new development paradigm and the achieving the second Centennial goal.

During the forum, Tan also attended the dialogue between Chinese and foreign business leaders while Peng took part in the report release ceremony.

The 4th CEF was consisted of a main session and five parallel sessions. Speakers at the main session included Meng Zhenping, Chairman of China Southern Power Grid; Li Zhengmao, President of China Telecom; Sun Yongcai, Chairman of China Railway Rolling Stock Corp; Song Hailiang, Chairman of China Energy Engineering Corporation; Tang Liang, Vice-chairman of the ACFIC and President of Ossen Group; and Huo Gaoyuan, Chairman of Shandong Port Group.

The five parallel sessions drew the attendance of officials from government departments, business representatives, experts and scholars, who held talks on such topics as the restructuring of deep sea, deep earth and deep space technologies and related industries, the importance of replacing old growth drivers with new ones in high-quality development, the role of digital economy in developing new opportunities for corporate transformation, the three-year action plan for SOE reform (2020-22), as well as the upcoming China ESG Forum Autumn Summit.

(Executive editor: Hao Wen)