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NORINCO International-Contracted Hydropower Station in Laos Passes Inspection

Updated: December 28, 2020

The Nam Phay Hydropower Station in Laos recently passed inspection after 1,302 days of operation.

Contracted by NORINCO International Cooperation Ltd. (NORINCO International), a subsidiary of China North Industries Group Corporation Limited, construction of the station started in December 2013.

With approval of the Electrcite du Laos, the project went into operation on Nov 1, 2017.

By the end of November 2020, the station had produced about 1.3 billion kWh of power.

A result of the Belt and Road Initiative, the project has played a role in boosting regional economic and social development in North Laos and has promoted China-Laos economic cooperation.

NORINCO has gained experience in the Laos project that will give it a solid foundation for its work in the Patuakhali power station in Bangladesh and the Senj wind power project in Croatia.


An aerial view of the Nam Phay Hydropower Station in Laos [Photo/sasac.gov.cn]

(Executive editor: Wang Ruoting)