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Baihetan Hydropower Station to Power East China's Jiangsu

Updated: December 17, 2020

Construction of the Baihetan-Jiangsu ±800kV ultra-high voltage (UHV) direct current (DC) power transmission project started on Dec 10. The project is expected to promote China's energy structure adjustment and clean energy projects.

The power transmission line starts from Butuo county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture in Southwest China's Sichuan province, passes Chongqing and Hubei and Anhui provinces and terminates at Changshu in Suzhou, East China's Jiangsu province.

With a rated transmission capacity of 8 million kilowatts, the 2,087-kilometer line will pass over Minjiang, Hanjiang and the Yangtze River and wind through high altitude and severe icing regions.

The project is invested with 30.7 billion yuan ($4.68 billion) and is scheduled to open for service in 2022.

Integrating the advantages of UHV DC and voltage source converter-based high-voltage DC power transmission technologies, the project will greatly improve power acceptance in East China and contribute to safe and stable operation of the regions' power grid.

A main role in the country's West-to-East Power Transmission Project, the transmission line will help optimize energy allocation, guarantee power supply, drive economic growth, boost green development and encourage technological innovation in the field.

Once operable, more than 31.2 billion kWh of power will be transferred through the project annually, equaling that produced by burning 14 million tons of coal and eliminating emissions of 25.42 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions and 250,000 tons of sulfur dioxide.

The project is expected to carry the Baihetan Hydropower Station's power to other regions, which will help Sichuan turn its resources to economic advantage.


An image of the Baihetan convertor station along the Baihetan-Jiangsu ±800kV UHV DC power transmission line [Photo/sasac.gov.cn]

(Executive editor: Wang Ruoting)