A Long March-5 Y5 carrier rocket was launched into space from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in South China's Hainan province on Nov 24, sending the Chang'e-5 spacecraft into an Earth-moon transfer orbit after more than 2,200 seconds of flight.
China's first returnable spacecraft designed to conduct unmanned lunar sample collection, Chang'e-5 consists of a lander, an ascender, an orbiter and a returner and features 15 sub-systems, according to the China Academy of Space Technology, a subsidiary of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC), developer of the spacecraft.
From its departure to return, Chang'e-5 will experience 11 flight stages.
Chang'e-5's space adventure began when its carrier, the Long March-5 Y5 carrier rocket, arrived at the Earth-moon transfer orbit. [Photo/sasac.gov.cn]