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Agreement on Construction of Tanzania-Zambia Railway is Signed by China, Tanzania and Zambia in Beijing on Sept 5, 1967

Updated: 2020-09-05


Construction of the 1,860.5 kilometer Tanzania-Zambia Railway lasted eight years. [Photo/sasac.gov.cn]

Agreement on construction of Tanzania-Zambia Railway is signed by China, Tanzania and Zambia in Beijing on Sept 5, 1967

An agreement on construction of the Tanzania-Zambia Railway was signed by China, Tanzania and Zambia in Beijing on Sept 5, 1967.

Contracted by China Railway Construction Corporation Limited and China Railway Group Limited, the railway was China's largest foreign aid project.

Construction of the 1,860.5-kilometer railway took eight years.

The railway has contributed to Tanzania's and Zambia's social and economic development and the liberation of southern African nations since it opened to traffic.

Dubbed the "China-Africa Friendship Railway", it was a milestone in the friendships between the peoples of China and Africa.

First Chinese central SOE-dominated SAIL is completed on Sept 5, 2018

First Chinese central SOE-dominated SAIL was completed on Sept 5, 2018.

Jointly invested and built by China United Network Communications Group Co., Ltd. and Cameroon Telecommunications, the roughly 6,000 km SAIL was the first submarine cable connecting Africa and South America. It runs through the South Atlantic.

The project was also the first time a Chinese telecommunication enterprise and device manufacturers had jointly developed a foreign market through international cooperation.

It promoted export of China's manufacturing capacity and operation experience and improved the impact of Chinese enterprises' brands.

(Executive editor: Zhang Tianyuan)

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