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CNNC Practices Green Development

Updated: 2020-08-31

China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) continues to be devoted to energy conservation, emission reduction and low-carbon development in keeping with the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets.

Qinshan Nuclear Power Station

The Qinshan Nuclear Power Station, constructed 35 years ago, has contributed to improving power supply structure in East China's Zhejiang province and promoting air pollution control in the Yangtze River Delta. It is also a player in building Zhejiang into a national clean energy demonstration province.

So far, the plant has safely produced more than 600 billion kWh of power.

The station is intended to play a world-leading role in nuclear power operation and management and evolve into an isotope production base, a nuclear industry big data base and a nuclear power talent cultivation base.


A view of the Qinshan Nuclear Power Station [Photo/sasac.gov.cn]

Tianwan nuclear power plant

Located in Lianyungang in East China's Jiangsu province, the Tianwan nuclear power plant has followed the principle of clean energy production and conservation for more than 10 years.

It is estimated that the power produced by the four generator units equals the amount of electricity produced by burning about 10.4 million tons of standard coal, which means a reduction of 25.52 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions.


A view of the Tianwan nuclear power plant [Photo/sasac.gov.cn]

Sanmen nuclear power plant

Sanmen county in Taizhou, Zhejiang province, with its long coast and diversified landforms like hills, mudflats and hinter land, was born to be the home of various kinds of energy projects.

The favorable geographical situation may explain why the Sanmen nuclear power plant was built there.

Equipped with third generation nuclear power technology, the plant is in full swing in supplying safe, clean and low-carbon energy to the region with high efficiency.


A view of the Sanmen nuclear power plant [Photo/sasac.gov.cn]

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