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China's First Hydrogen Bomb Exploded on June 17, 1967

Updated: 2020-06-17


China's first hydrogen bomb is successfully tested on June 17, 1967. [Photo/sasac.gov.cn]

China's first hydrogen bomb exploded on June 17, 1967

China's first hydrogen bomb was successfully tested on June 17, 1967 at the Northwest Nuclear Weapon  Development Base in Qinghai province, confirming that the development of China's nuclear weaponry had entered a new stage.

It took China only two years to advance from the first explosion of an atomic bomb to the hydrogen bomb test, which was the fastest progress of any country.

China National Nuclear Corporation played a significant role in the successes of the nuclear weapons.

China's first large-scale electrical energy project in Russia goes into operation on June 17, 2017

Huadian-Teninskaya 450 MW Gas-steam Combined Cycle Heating Power Station, China's first large-scale electrical energy project in Russia, passed a 72-hour trial operation at full load and went into service on June 17, 2017.

The project, valued at $571.11 million, was also the first greenfield project that China Huadian Corporation Ltd. invested in Russia. The total installed capacity of the plant was 483 megawatts and its designed electric energy production was an annual 3.02 billion kWh. The station still provides 814,000 Gcal of heat per year.

(Executive editor: Hao Wen)

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